Burbank Kiwanis Honors Teachers of the Year
Kiwanis Club of Burbank Honors
BUSD Teachers of the Year!
Burbank Kiwanis’ focus is in helping children increase their confidence, find their self-expression and increase their leadership skills. We do this by supporting many youth programs – most of them in partnership with local schools. This has led to many great partnerships with BUSD administration, counselors, and most importantly with Teachers!
At Burbank Kiwanis we love our BUSD teachers and it is a tradition that all teachers of the year are honored by the club. Each year Annual Teacher Recognition day is organized by Club Secretary David Harris (a retired Teacher), Past President Cynthia Faust (Retired Teacher/Administrator) and Treasurer Cathy Hutt. Club member and Burbank City Treasurer Debbie Kutka does a great job each year decorating our room for our special guests!
Teachers Recognized Included:
Disney Elementary: Hilde Garcia – Edison Elementary: Sandy Solis – Emerson Elementary: Ellen Dobbin
Bret Harte Elementary: Catherine McMurray – Jefferson Elementary: Shelley Roberg
McKinley Elementary: Shawn Mulloy – Miller Elementary: Brian Collins
Providencia Elementary: Talar Topalian – Roosvelt Elementary: Mary Grace Zehnpfenning
Stevenson Elementary: Sandra DeSurra – Washington Elementary: Patty Dagata
Jordan Middle School: Teri Vargas – Luther Middle School: Elise Larsen
Muir Middle School: Amelia Cheatum – John Burroughs HS: Jackie Dawes
Burbank HS: Briana Beal – ILA: Fred Rivas / Monterey: Lucy Yeghiazarian
Magnolia Park: Randall Badders
We also thanked retiring teachers and Superintendent Matt Hill spoke about our excellent teachers!