Burbank Kiwanis Continues Eliminate Project Commitment in 2017!



On Saturday January 14th, 2017 a group of Kiwanis Club of Burbank members joined together once again for a “fill a truck” event.

Under the leadership of Burbank Kiwanis Eliminate Project Chairwoman Hazel Schrefel and the support of Burbank’s La Providencia Guild, club members have been collecting used clothes, shoes, and linens and storing them until there is enough to “Fill-a-Truck”. The club then teams up with Hope of the Valley who picks up the items to be sold at their thrift shop – which also benefits their shelter! That is 3 local charities working together to make this a better world!

Thirteen club members and friends met at 8 O’clock Saturday morning to serve by helping to transport those bags from back yard storage and into the truck.

The “Fill-a-Truck” program is an ongoing project for the Kiwanis Club of Burbank to benefit Kiwanis International’s Eliminate Project.

The Eliminate Project is a partnership between Kiwanis International and UNICEF to eradicated Neonatal and maternal tetanus in third world countries. The funds are used to inoculate pregnant women against tetanus – this also inoculates the unborn child. When that child is born, she/he is protected from the disease.  To eliminate Maternal and Neonatal Tetanus from the Earth, more than 100 million mothers and their future babies must be immunized. This requires vaccines, syringes, safe storage, transportation, thousands of skilled staff and more.

In the last 4 years, with the help of donations from club members, the public and many fund raisers, The Kiwanis Club of Burbank has donated over $44,000 to this worthy cause!